We exist to ensure every child, no matter their status get the needed care and a great start at education that equips them for life, an education that gives them the skills, qualifications and resilience to make their mark.

Why our work is important!

Unfortunately, 68.3% of Kenyan children majority living in urban slums are not having these experiences. Their cognitive and social emotional milestones are not being meet .our experience with this children is that they enter and finish formal school systems unable to read, write or add-up. Their time at school leaves them no better prepared for life than when they first arrive as toddlers.

Good early childhood care and education has long lasting positive effects on children development .Between the ages of 0-5 is a time when children expand their horizons. This is an exciting time for this group as they open their world to wider friendship, experiences and a test of new ideas .at this age learning happens everywhere every time. This is also the age when children get the resilience to successfully transition to formal school. Successful transitions enable children to adapt to new settings where they quickly grasp teaching and learning methods, the processes, rules and regulations, which will enhance their performance in school. 

The transition from preschool to primary school therefore, sets the tone and direction in a child’s school career.  At this critical point in the education trajectory determines success or failure. The child who transits smoothly is set on a more positive route than the child who experiences a negative transition. The passage at this significant juncture, and how the situation is negotiated, may have a lasting influence on how children view themselves, how others value them, their sense of well-being and their ability to learn. While transition is a component of education success, retention is also an important aspect especially for special need children and children from vulnerable settings. Clearly investment in retention strategies allow children to rise above situation such as poverty, lack of food, sanitary facilities, disease, poor health and excel in school systems.


Our theory of change

We introduce children to learning when it matters most; at their early years, preparing them for school readiness, once school ready, we Present a transition packages that allow children to compete and cope in public school environments and eliminate barriers that prevent children from accessing school and staying in school. While at it we nature talents, develop young leader and prepare them to take on the world .we also work with the community to provide thriving environments for children.

Why our approach and investment makes us different

We invest in children when it matters most, in their early years, a time when brain development is at its optimal. Through interactive learning coupled with a nurturing environment, we ensure children are getting the needed physical, cognitive, and emotional development to take on formal learning at six.

We are inclusive of children with disabilities, providing the needed occupational therapy and modifications to their learning environment to ensure they participate fully in learning.

We eliminate barriers that prevent children from staying in school; for some, we provide meals; for others, we provide learning materials; and for others, we provide extra coaching. Each child's needs are unique, and we tailor our resources to meet these unique needs.

We give opportunity to the most deserving and disadvantaged children and children with special needs living in Kenya’s urban slums.

Through scholarship and mentorship we develop young leaders and natural talents.

We empower communities and families to provide a nurturing environment for children in household and community settings.