Little Rock Inclusive Early Childhood Development Centre was founded by Mrs. Lilly Oyare, a remarkable educator, in 2003. While volunteering as a teacher in Kibera, Lilly Oyare was overwhelmed by the poverty and lack of educational opportunities for children. She noticed that many children entered the school system unprepared to learn and left without the ability to read, write, or do basic arithmetic.

With the support of her family and friends, she established Little Rock Inclusive ECD Centre to provide early learning opportunities to underserved children in Kibera. In 2007, Lilly met her first special needs student, a deaf boy whose intelligence and motivation to attend school amazed her. This experience inspired her to welcome more special needs children to the centre.

Today, Lilly Oyare campaigns for the inclusion of special needs children in formal education. With a dedicated staff and support from various partners, Little Rock Inclusive ECD Centre has worked with 3,004 children, including 315 special needs children.

Our Mission

To provide early childhood education to vulnerable and children with disability in Kibera and surrounding area, by promoting their development in an inclusive environment and empowering community.

Our Vision

An inclusive society where all children are given equal opportunity for quality education to impact the community positively.