Our Story

Little Rock Inclusive Early Childhood Development Centre was founded by a remarkable educator,Mrs. Lilly Oyare in 2003. Working as a volunteer teacher in Kibera, Lilly Oyare was overwhelmed by the poverty and lack of educational opportunities for children. Her experience with these children is that they entered school systems not ready to learn and left school systems unable to read, write or add up. Together with her friends and with the support of her family, she started Littlerock Inclusive ECD Centre to providing early and learning opportunities to underserved children of Kibera. In 2007, Lilly Meet her first special need student a deaf boy who left her amazed at his intelligence and motivation  to attend school . This prompted her to open doors to even more special need children. Today  Lilly campaigns for the inclusion of special need children in fomal learning. Together with a dedicated staff and support of partners, Little Rock  Inclusive ECD Centre has worked with 3004 children including 315 special need children .


An inclusive society where all children are given equal opportunity for quality education to impact the community positively.


To provide early childhood education to vulnerable and children with disability in Kibera and surrounding area, by promoting their development in an inclusive environment and empowering community.

Our commitment to children is to always

  • Be Child centered -giving each child the opportunity to mature and develop to their full potential.
  • Be compassionate - of each child and each family unique need and to provide appropriate, empathetic, confidential, respectful and considerate services to meet those needs through a family-friendly approach.
  • Be great stewards - of the sacred mission that is entrusted to us by God and of the resources he has directed to us through our partners, supporters and donors.
  • Value partners by - accepting obligations of joint participation, and by committing ourselves to know, understand and work in harmony with the community, donors and likeminded partners to touch every child

Our work today

To date, we have provided direct services to over 4040 children, youth, and parents. This includes 558 children affected and infected by HIV and AIDS, 55 homeless and abandoned children, 220 children with special need. We know that we also reached many more children and young people through our work in collaboration with public school systems and other inter partnership programs and the families we uplift the direct benefits going to children. Since the construction of little rock, new premises in 2013, we have accelerated our intake and services for children, providing care to 435 children at the ECD Centre including 110 children with special need. Our work has adopted a human rights- advocacy approach, campaigning for the inclusion of children with special needs in school systems and the recognition of the importance of early childhood care and early learning to lifelong success